We all know what KFC means. Anyone not knowing has just gotta been living in the stone age or on another planet. So far I've presented the best fast food place here in town (Taco Mayo) and now, I'm going to present the worst fast food place here in Altus.
This afternoon, my lovely wife and myself were out and about, house hunting again. It was getting a bit late and neither of us were in the mood for cooking up a meal. So before heading home, I made a quick turn into our local KFC. Now I've only visited this place but 3 times in the past and each visit left me wondering just how, this place stayed in business. But being only human, I just had to give em one last try before bringing you the final results. Let it be known, that each past visit was noted and my comments made directly to www.kfc.com. Each time my comments were ignored by the powers that be and no improvements having ever been made. Now before I continue, why not take a quick look at the following video?
Each visit has shown that our local KFC has gotten progressively worse. Late this afternoon, my wife and I walked in and waited for a good solid 10 minutes before being waited upon. How many people were in front of us you might be asking? NONE! After we had placed our order, 2 ladies placed their order to go then stood about, waiting for same. My wife and myself, walked to the far north area where we placed our trays. My wife had to visit the ladies room and upon her return, she was making this funny face as if she just smelled something rotten. She didn't say a word but took the camera and returned to the ladies room, and took a few pictures. She stated the waste baskets were lined with KFC carryout plastic bags. 1 of the stalls was closed and marked, Out Of Service. The floor was very dirty not to mention, slippery. Before leaving, she noted the sink was so dirty, she feared washing her hands.
I entered the men's room with camera in hand, took a few pictures and just had to turn and leave again. The floor was so dirty, that it had turned black in color! The smell was enough to dive anyone away! The toilet was full and appeared to be inoperative. The mirror and sink were just a total mess too.
After getting back to my table, we both walked over to the dinner buffet and it was noted that there was no chicken nor biscuits. I walked over to a foul mouth lady behind the counter and said: "Could you place more chicken and biscuits out?" She then stated: "I'll do it when I get the time." I would have gotten her name, but found not a single person in the employ of KFC, was wearing a name tag.
Remember the 2 ladies I had spoken of, up above? They paid then waited for well over 40 minutes before walking out! The average time it took 3 other families to receive their meals after having ordered same, was 11 minutes. A lady who had arrived before us, must have waited for quite some time too. Shortly after having placed our orders, she stated she had waited long enough, demanded a full refund then stormed out the door. A employee then stated: "I can't be doing everything, the chicken and register."
When our meals were finished, we stood and I helped my wife put on her coat. I took ahold of both of our trays and proceeded to the trash bins. I just could not believe my eyes, every single trash bin was full to almost overflowing. Looking about before leaving, I couldn't believe just how dirty this place was. The camera just doesn't show how dirty this place was. The floors were not only dirty, but very slippery too.
On the old scale of 1 to 5, this fast food place is so low, that it just can't be rated. I do highly recommend this place be temporally closed, cleaned from top to bottom, all area's totally sanitized, all future employee's be trained in the proper handling of food and in how to address their customer's.

Your Altus Mystery Shopper...
NOTE: Kentucky Fried Chicken is apart of Yum! Brands Inc., who also operates A&W, All-American Food, Taco Bell, Long John Silver's and Pizza Hut.
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