All Photos Appearing Above, Will Be Of Altus Or The Surrounding Area.

What's it like, living in Altus, Oklahoma? Well it's very much like any other larger city or town, with the same set of problems but on a much smaller scale. Believe me, I won't go candy coating anything here. When I seek a service be it for whatever reason, I will make a note of it, for all to see. What you see is what you get. Just consider me, Your Altus Mystery Shopper. Please Note: No Discounts Or Freebies Are Given Nor Accepted By This, Your Altus Mystery Shopper!

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08 March 2009

Happy Donuts

Happy Donut's

908 North Main Street

My better half and myself, just couldn't get any sleep and the thought of something sweet hit us. Now where could we possibly go at 5 in the morning? Happy Donut's of course!

Happy Donut is located at 908 North Main Street and as luck would have it, this morning there was a real heavy fog rolling in out of the south. So the thought of a Hot Ham And Cheese Craissant and Coffee, couldn't have been better. Now to my limited knowledge, Happy Donut is the only place in town, that will serve you either a Hot Ham And Cheese Craissant or a Hot Sausage And Cheese Craissant. ($1.99)

The owner, operator and chief bottle washer, is none other then a outgoing fella by the name of Phillip. This is a family operated, Mom & Pop business which seems a bit rare in todays world. Donut's are all outstanding, the coffee rivals that of Star Bucks and service is always with a smile and thank you.

Looking around from our perch at the counter, there wasn't a speck of dirt, dust or anything in sight. A quick check of the restrooms found them to be, spick and span.

On that ole scale of 1 to 5 stars? Food Quality: 5 Service: 5 Friendliness: 5 Cleanliness: 5

Your Altus Mystery Shopper...

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