It does appear that there are many just as myself, who had forgotten about the raise in postage today. It will now cost 44 cents to mail a letter off.
It's been said there are many reasons for this rate increase but let's face it folks, the advent of the internet is really putting the hurts on the Post Office. Several years ago, I remember the Postmaster General having requested X number of cents being charged to each and every person sending and receiving messages. The cost of this would be collected by your ISP and sent along to the Post Office. This was to have offset monies lost due to user's turning away from the Post Office and leaning more towards the use of e-mail. Now needless to say, that went over real well with everyone.
To be honest? There are a great many ISP's now setting limit's upon how much bandwidth you can use, each and every month. When you go over said amount, then you'll be charged accordingly. To top this off, I do see a day when your ISP will start charging for X number of messages sent/received and anything over set amount, you'll again be charged accordingly.
Comments? I'd sure like to hear your thoughts on this.
Your Altus Mystery Shopper...
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