All Photos Appearing Above, Will Be Of Altus Or The Surrounding Area.

What's it like, living in Altus, Oklahoma? Well it's very much like any other larger city or town, with the same set of problems but on a much smaller scale. Believe me, I won't go candy coating anything here. When I seek a service be it for whatever reason, I will make a note of it, for all to see. What you see is what you get. Just consider me, Your Altus Mystery Shopper. Please Note: No Discounts Or Freebies Are Given Nor Accepted By This, Your Altus Mystery Shopper!

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Discover Altus / Realtor Info

02 July 2009

Imagination Station

(Click Upon Image For A Larger View)

Imagination Station, really comes alive when the sun goes down. There really can't be a better place to play and enjoy life, then at the Imagination Station. As the name implies, your imagination will carry you to places far beyond Altus.

A Plaque placed at the feet of a little girl, with birds gathering about, reads as follows: Friends of Sandy Nichols placed this statue to honor Sandy, who "imagined" Imagination Station to reality. She lead an effort that raised $200,000 and involved 3,100 volunteers who built the playground in one week. Sandy envisioned the playground and saw the project to completion, proving that "one individual can make a difference."

Your Altus Mystery Shopper...

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