All Photos Appearing Above, Will Be Of Altus Or The Surrounding Area.

What's it like, living in Altus, Oklahoma? Well it's very much like any other larger city or town, with the same set of problems but on a much smaller scale. Believe me, I won't go candy coating anything here. When I seek a service be it for whatever reason, I will make a note of it, for all to see. What you see is what you get. Just consider me, Your Altus Mystery Shopper. Please Note: No Discounts Or Freebies Are Given Nor Accepted By This, Your Altus Mystery Shopper!

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14 January 2009

How To Double Your Gas Mileage

When I had first spotted this little video, needless to say I did have my doubts. After much thought, I decided to give it a try. View this video then read what my results were.

I've been driving a little ole 1996 Geo Tracker for a couple of years now, and figured that making a few little changes, just wouldn't cause that much harm. I performed everything within the above video with the exception of turning off the engine. My car went from 19.5 miles per gallon to a staggering 35.2 miles per gallon! Regardless of the amount it costs to fill your tank, it does pay to make a few minor changes to your wheels!

Your Altus Mystery Shopper

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