All Photos Appearing Above, Will Be Of Altus Or The Surrounding Area.

What's it like, living in Altus, Oklahoma? Well it's very much like any other larger city or town, with the same set of problems but on a much smaller scale. Believe me, I won't go candy coating anything here. When I seek a service be it for whatever reason, I will make a note of it, for all to see. What you see is what you get. Just consider me, Your Altus Mystery Shopper. Please Note: No Discounts Or Freebies Are Given Nor Accepted By This, Your Altus Mystery Shopper!

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Discover Altus / Realtor Info

13 January 2009

Welcome To Altus Oklahoma!

A number of months ago, I once maintained a site totally dedicated to the little sleepy town of, Altus Oklahoma. Must admit, that I did raise a number of eyebrows both in and around the area. But for this ole retired driver, I only call em as I see em, nothing more and nothing less. As someone once said, Your First Impression Is A Lasting Impression.

When I seek a service be for whatever reason, I will make a note of it, right here for all to see. Just call me the Mystery Shopper Of Altus. LOL

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Quartz Mountain Aircraft has yet, to become fully operational! Excuses do abound and rumors have it, they will file, close up shop and leave everyone holding nothing but a white elephant. I spoke against this outfit several times and my comments fell upon deaf ears with a few ill comments being made towards me. This outfit has been in business for well over 14 years and there is still nothing to show for all the monies spent! Oh and rumor also has it, all parts and equipment has been or is about to be moved up to Coffeeville, Kansas. Almost every single worker has been fired over the past several months. So you decide, is this outfit going out of business leaving everyone holding onto that White Elephant?

Your Altus Mystery Shopper...

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