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13 January 2009

Eddy's Ole Time Cafe

On the 9th of this month, I took it upon myself to take the wife out for a bit to eat. I never ever mention where we are heading off too, and she never asks. (She just loves the adventure of it all.) Besides that, I think it makes life just a bit more interesting.

Anyway, it was right around 5:30 in the afternoon and my ole tummy was yelling out, FEED ME! We got into that little critter called a Geo Tracker and headed off to a place called, Eddy's Ole Time Cafe. (Located at: 2800 North Main Street.) Its been quite sometime since we paid this little place a visit and figured it was time visit them again?

We both placed a order for the half rack of ribs, potato, toast, salad, Dr. Pepper and of course, my black cup of coffee.

As you can see by the above photo, the side salad had a bit of age to it, just prior to being served. The half rack of ribs just fell off of the bone and just about melted in our mouths. The potato was just right along with the rest of the meal. Service was what I'd call, a bit slow and I had to ask several times for a refill of coffee before being served. Total cost of the meal was $21.01 which wasn't all that bad.

A bit more early in the evening, we had taken a few photos of the moon coming up. And yes, I will post a photo of same here soon. All in all, we had a rather enjoyable day of it. Why not, because I was with my best friend and lover, who I call my wife.

On a 5 star rating, I'd give Eddy's a 3.

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