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29 March 2009

Tornado! - A Look At The Past

From the very beginning of time, tornado's have been dancing across the midwestern landscape. Of course, a tornado can drop down from the skies at any given time or even location across the country. The below video was shot sometime during the late 40's or early part of the 50's. A few precautions have changed since the filming took place, but the fact still remains very much the same. Tornado's is a force of nature that plays no favorites.

Here within the southwestern part of Oklahoma, the Tornado Season generally runs from around the first part of March to the middle of June, with May being the middle of the season. When the sky turns black as coal, when the wind starts to howl, when the lightning flies across the sky, then its time to turn on your battery powered radio and listen to the weather reports. When the hail starts battering down upon you, then be sure its time to take cover, because its then, a tornado is well within your area.

I do highly suggest you let your fingers do the walking upon your keyboard and search out what precautions should be taken, within your area. And now, take a quick peek at times past and again remember, this video was shot something like 60 years ago. And that, a number of precautions have changed since then.

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