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03 June 2009

WOSC Signs Agreement With Wayland Baptist University

Note: This Will Be The 5th And Final Update. Read Below As This Story Unfolds.

Western Oklahoma State College signed an articulation agreement with Wayland Baptist University on Thursday. This agreement provides an easy transition for area residents from an associate degree to complete a bachelors degree.

The document identifies how many of WOSC associate degrees will transfer into Waylands Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Christian Ministry and Bachelor of Science in Nursing with as little as 18 months of additional class time.

Right now, there are primarily two options for students wanting a bachelors degree. They can commute an hour or more for each class meeting or attend an online institution or ITV courses with instructors on a television screen, said Dr. Jay Givens, executive director and dean of WBUs Altus campus, located at Altus Air Force Base. What Wayland offers is a regionally accredited degree with the opportunity for local student support services and live instructors for many classes, depending on the major a student selects.

Dr. Phil Birdine, vice president for academic and support services at WOSC said he is excited about this partnership and the formal agreement.

“Its a win-win for everyone: for Wayland, for Western and for our students. We feel like it will provide our students with a viable opportunity to further their education for the baccalaureate degree,” Birdine said. “We have an outstanding relationship with Wayland. They’ve been easy to work with, and we have tried to put our heads together from time to time to think of solutions for all of our students.”

While the WBU campus is located on the base, security procedures developed in 2007 have made base entry for classes more accessible for civilian students. In 2008, Wayland also started offering classes at WOSC to provide easier access to the community.

In addition to the bachelors degree programs, Wayland also offers two masters degrees in Altus and three more graduate degree programs online.

Western also has articulation agreements with seven other four year institutions including Cameron University, Mid-America Christian University, Midwestern State University, Northeastern State University, Oklahoma State University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University and University of Central Oklahoma.

My Comment To The Altus Times. (Sure this won't be placed into print because my comments, never do appear!)

Is this not, in violation of Church and State? Does this not mean, Western Oklahoma State College supports only the Christian Ministry and or, the Christian Ministry only supports Western Oklahoma State College? No matter how you look at this, be it good, bad or indifferent, this just isn't right. Will the college now hang a cross upon its many signs? This appears to be a move to add more funds and members to the church.

I maintain a web site supporting Altus but this merger between state and church will not be supported upon the Altus site.

My concern was addressed to both the college and to our state representative, here are their replies.

I am not sure what you are talking about.  If it is the article in the
Altus Times, you would see we have articulation agreements with many
universities including UCO, Cameron, SWOSU, Northern, etc. Your
comment does not address those universities. Our goal at Western is
to help all individials who want to pursue an education to be able to
achieve that dream without having to leave Altus. That is one way we
can serve our community. Carol Kendrix, Dean

My friend! I do not consider you a pain in the rear. Good common sense talk is always welcome. Lets take a good look at this. The idea of seperation of church and state is and always seems to be misconstrued. When Thomas Jefferson wrote, in a letter about seperation of church and state he was referring to prohibiting the state or government from imposing a religion or the making of a church as the government choice like the church of England. I believe the agreement between WOSC & WAYLAND is an opportunity for our students to be able to work toward a grad degree without having to travel. Some cannot afford it. Religion is and can be taught, it is by choice selected and not forced on anyone. You can go off to another issue from this in that this will allow for all religions to be introduced should they choose. I believe this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and will continue to support those values. Thanks for your email.

Note how the Dean of the college tried to avoid the question and work the association of the church into the list of other colleges? We all knew she'd defend this money making marriage.

Now our
State Representative, Mr. Charles Ortega defines this marriage as part of our evolution to the powerful country we are today. Believe me when I say, Mr. Ortega has my total respect as a man and Representative of Oklahoma. But as you can see, he has a very strong tie with our local church groups.

One thing wasn't mentioned by either party and that is, our local college is indirectly funded by both the local community and directly funded by the state. If this was a private college then this subject matter would have never came up.

By allowing my fingers to walk upon this ole keyboard, it was found Oklahoma has roughly 18 universities, 14 colleges, 1 private liberal arts college and 15 other listed colleges and universities, with 13 being church affiliated.

I've been in communication with Carol Kendrix, the Dean Of Technical Education and believe it or not, she passed my message along to Randy Cumby, the President of WOSC. Messages received and responded to will appear below.

All you have mentioned is well and good, but only to a certain point. My main concern is, our college is not only funded by the local community but also by the state. Now if this was a private college, this subject matter would have never been addressed. Might I suggest a disclaimer notice be printed within your web site and other literature? (Your comment)

Mr. Altus Mystery Shopper. (Note, my given name does appear upon all correspondence with the exception of appearing here.)

You have made your opinion known and the administration of the college has been informed of your opinion. Since articulation agreements are encouraged by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, you will need to take up your concerns with them. You may visit the OSRHE web page at
You will also find Wayland Baptist University listed on the College & University listing at that state web site.
I am sure you are welcome to contact the OSRHE to confirm what I have just shared with you.

Carol Kendrix,
Dean Technical Education

My response to her was:

Your still not addressing the subject at hand but instead, passing the buck to the gentleman on your left. Just consider this case closed but rest assured, your comments will be noted.

Sincerely Yours

This is where it starts to get really good! Ms. Kendrix passed the buck to a Mr. Randy Cumby who sent the following message with my response added within same.

Carol Kendrix has forwarded me your email expressing your concern - I
am assuming - in connection with our signing agreement with Wayland
Baptist University? Is that correct?
Yes sir, you are correct.
It also appears that you are concerned about separation of church and
state as it refers to colleges and universities. Ms. Kendrix
explained that "articulation agreements" between colleges (both
private and state) are important in order to assist students to
transfer to and from each institution to assist students in making
sure that their courses will transfer - nothing more! It is the
intent to make it easier for students who move in and out of
institutions (both public and private) to get their courses at one
institution to transfer equally to another - thereby saving
students/families many dollars in the process.
Again, your 100% correct.
Western, and most colleges, have many agreements with colleges both
church affiliated and non church affiliated - again - to assist
Is there not a separation between church and state? I can and do
agree, being affiliated with other non-church colleges and
universities, be they private or state funded is needed in order
for same to survive in todays economic world. But still the fact
remains, there must be a saperation between state and that of
the church without a marriage taking place.
Also, please be aware that Westerns funding comes from the state and
there are no direct dollars coming from our communities except for
tuition and fees for a student or those dollars that go into the state
through taxes and are appropriated to governing agencies and then to
public schools/colleges, other state agencies, etc.
True there are no direct funds being transferred from the local
community but nontheless, there is a transfer taking place. This
is being done everyday, through the taxes we all pay. Again, we
are speaking of public schools, colleges, universities and not
that, of a private institution. (Church Affiliated.)

This subject matter was brought to my attention by those who
wish to ramain anonymous but yet, voiced concern.
I hope this answers your questions.

I will be glad to answer any other questions that you might have.


Sincerely Yours,

Okay, I just had to let em off of the hook. After all, one can not win the battle between our local college and that of the state. Example: A number of years ago, a person of authority employed by our local college became overly jealous. During his lunch break, he had left the campus, heading home for a quick bite to eat. Upon his arrival, he had discovered his wife fooling around, fired a .22 bullet into her head and proceeded back to work as if, nothing had happened. Long story short, he was never charged because of his standing within the community. Maybe someday when I'm overly bored, I'll write a story totally devoted to some of the underhanded goings on here.

If there is more to this story, then rest assured it will appear right here for all to follow.

I now turn my question to you, the reader of this page. Do you believe this is right or wrong. Regardless of your position in this, won't you please comment?

Your Altus Mystery Shopper...

Received the following comment from a lady who wishes to remain anonymous. Its off subject but then again, its not. You decide but I must admit, she does have a point here. I'm thinking she must be a visitor to Altus?

Now you got my mind rolling. I have always hated the trash around here no thanks to careless people and it needs picked up! You may need to revamp my words here before print. Want to know why most islands ar talked about by visitors? Once they land they drive toward the village. Along the way, there are beautiful trees along the sides of the road well maintained. Do you think these just happen to be there? The people take pride of their islands and set them there! Upon arrival in these villages, the people live off of meager means BUT IT IS KEPT DEBRIS FREE. Not even cigarette butts. I mean, look at the walmart parking lot!! Its crappy! Dirty diapers, people, if you insist on using these disposable diapers, THROW THEM AWAY IN THE PROPER PLACE AND NOT IN THE PARKING LOT!"

UPDATE NUMBER 4 The college has announced a Special "CLOSED" Meeting of the Board Of Regents, that will be held on Monday the 8th of June. If any news comes out of this, then I will insure it will be reported right here, for all to view. Question: Do you believe the subject matter will pertain to the above? ;)

UPDATE NUMBER 5 The board of regents met without a word coming out, about the aforementioned subject matter. But that doesn't mean the subject wasn't brought up behind closed doors. Needless to say, the entire community is talking about this and at the sametime, shaking their heads in wonder, how this merger could have happened.

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