Have you ever been out and about, and then come across something out of the ordinary? Well several weeks or so ago, my bestfriend and better half, were out shooting pictures of the Town Square, (Our Walk Upon The Town Square Blog Entry.) during the wee hours of the morning. When all of a sudden, we discovered The Enchanted Door. The reason we stopped dead in our tracks, was because of the wonderfully lighted window display. Needless to say, this little shop peeked our curiosity and we made it a point, to visit this quaint little place the following day. Won't you now view this short video?
Believe it or not, we found that time came to a stop, as we looked about in every nook and cranny, discovering itmes that could be considered old, but yet new. It wasn't much longer when we also came to realize, The Enchanted Door, was acutally alot larger in size then we first thought. If your anything like us, we do highly enjoy poking about, looking at itmes which bring back fond memories. Before we knew it, more then 2 hours had passed from the time we had entered this wonderful shop!
The Enchanted Door is owned by a lovely lady, by the name of Lisa Worrell. You'll find she'll be very helpful in locating that 'Special Item' and if its not in stock, she'll order it or inform you of where it can be had at. If you have any questions, then please feel free to ask.
The Enchanted Door is located at, 111 West Commerce Street, which is located on the north side of the downtown square. I have just found out, The Enchanted Door has its very own web site! It can be accessed, by clicking here.

Your Altus Mystery Shopper...
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