On the 27th of January, was very much like most other days. It was reported, that a major ice storm was heading to our little area of the world. Most just laughed this off, because the day was sunny, clear and had reached almost 70 degrees.
Come the 28th of January, a cold front moved across Oklahoma and by 4 in the afternoon, all electrical services for the southwestern part of the state, became a thing of the past! It was reported, 1,000's of power poles and toppled.
On the 29th, help started pouring in from several Oklahoma communities, plus Kansas, Arkansas and Texas. It was also around this time, the sound of chain saws and power generators could be heard, filling the evening hours. Radio reports started passing out information upon Emergency Shelters, what to do, how to do it and maintained a air of calm through out the entire area.
When the lights went out, our only means of keeping warm was provided by our gas stove. For those with a all electric home, had to turn to other means to keep themselves warm. Shopping of course, came to a total stand still for several hours. But glad to say, United Supermarket soon reopened their doors with limited generator power. Crowds waited for well over a hour, just to get into the store. Once admitted, the wait time to any register was well over a hour. Unlike other larger communities, Altus maintained a state of clam. There was no name calling, pushing or shoving for emergency type items. Needless to say, emergency items sold out exceedingly fast!
Our local Community Center became our Emergency Shelter, housing those who for whatever reason, needed help. Help was offered in the way of getting warm, having a hot meal and for some, being able to have a place to stay until the power was restored. On a happier note, the Harlem Globetrotters event set for the 1st, had to be canceled. But, being the troopers that they are, they put on a 2 hour show for those staying at the shelter. Thank You Harlem Globetrotters For A Job Well Done!
As will happen, people started to crawl out of the woodwork, selling their wares. Batteries of every size and description, chain saws, generators, along with a large number of those offering their help. And yes, most items offered, were highly over priced. People were being warned, not to deal with this kind of sale offers but instead, report them to the local police department.
On the afternoon of the 29th, I got a hold of my trusty camera and headed out the door. I just had to see what was or wasn't happening here in our sleepy little township of Altus. And with that, take a peek at the below posted video.
As the video shows, ice was measured at between 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches which covered everything. Surprisingly, there was little to no damage to personal property, other then to trees and power poles. Needless to say, it could have been much worse!
Power started to be restored, at approximately 1 in the morning on the 3rd of February. As of this post, its being reported that there is still 35% of Altus, without power.
Your Altus Mystery Shopper...
Wow, I don't know who you are but this was so well written and really gives me some extra insights as to what was going on around town since I stayed home during the whole thing. I only got out once and that was to go to Walmart to charge my cell phone and then I came right back home again. thank yo for writing this.