All Photos Appearing Above, Will Be Of Altus Or The Surrounding Area.

What's it like, living in Altus, Oklahoma? Well it's very much like any other larger city or town, with the same set of problems but on a much smaller scale. Believe me, I won't go candy coating anything here. When I seek a service be it for whatever reason, I will make a note of it, for all to see. What you see is what you get. Just consider me, Your Altus Mystery Shopper. Please Note: No Discounts Or Freebies Are Given Nor Accepted By This, Your Altus Mystery Shopper!

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Discover Altus / Realtor Info

23 September 2009

Weather Radio Rebate Offered

(Live Weather Radar)

How would you like to get a hefty rebate on a weather radio just in time for the return of severe weather to Southwest Oklahoma? Lloyd Colston, Director of Emergency Management for the City of Altus, recently commended the Jackson County Commissioners for their timely approval of a grant that will cover 75% of the cost of weather radios, up to $50 each.

“It could save your life,” Jerry Gibson, director of Jackson County Emergency Management spoke on behalf of the weather radio. “It’s like a smoke detector for weather.”

The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is especially appropriate since this is National Preparedness Month. To receive a rebate, people may purchase weather radios at their vendor of choice. Then they must obtain a Weather Radio Reimbursement form. These forms are available at the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Jerry Gibson’s office at the Jackson County Courthouse, at Altus City Hall or online at Complete the form, submit it with the receipt for payment by the City of Altus. Reimbursement may take up to ninety days. Funds are limited, so act now to be prepared. For more information, call Colston at 482-8333 or email him at For more on National Preparedness Month, see www.

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